
Privacy Policy


At HAFAfrica we are committed to keeping your data safe. Your privacy and peace of mind are important to us.
We only collect data from people for specific purposes. Once that purpose has finished, we won’t hold on to the data.
This document tells you how, when, and why we collect data from people and what we use it for. We also have website Terms and Conditions, which you should read as well.
We’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback or questions on any of this. You can call us on +233 (0) 302-941-249 or email

Who we are

…… Our company registration number is ……… and our registered office is
For this policy, ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ refer to HAFAfrica.

When and how we collect information

We may collect personal data about people who visit our website. That means things like cookies and IP addresses (which tell us, for example, the places where people are logging on), which pages people visit and which files they download. Using this data helps us find out if our website is working well and helps us to improve it. The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify you. For more information on how these cookies work, please see the section on cookies below.

Sometimes we gather information that people make available on places like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. You can check these organizations' privacy policies to make sure you’re happy with how they handle your data.

For organizations such as churches, trusts or schools, we may additionally gather information from your public website.

If you give them your consent, we collect information from third parties such as event organizers (for example, a health walk organizer) or sites like Global Giving when you fundraise for HAFAfrica. You can check their privacy policies to see how they handle your data.

Sometimes we also collect publicly available information from the Ghana Registrar General’s Department, WACSI’s E-Directories, Companies House, Charity Commission and from articles, newspapers or blogs.

HAFAfrica records outgoing calls from our Telephone Engagement Team for training purposes and ensures that the quality of the calls meets our expectations and adheres to our Supporter Charter

If you give us sensitive information about yourself, for example about your religious beliefs or your physical or mental health, please be aware that we may keep this information. When we do so, we will seek your consent. We will only keep this information where it is relevant to your interaction with us and only for as long as it is necessary. We promise to keep it secure.

Our basis for processing

We are required by data protection law to have an appropriate legal basis for the processing of your personal data. When processing your personal data we rely upon:
    • where you have given us your consent to contact you or hold your information.
  • • where it is needed for a contract or legal agreement with you.
  • • where there is a legal obligation placed upon us – for example, if you allow us to claim Gift Aid.
  • • where it is in your vital interest, such as a medical emergency.
  • • where it is in our legitimate interests to do so.
Where we rely upon our legitimate interest to process your data (including contacting you), we only do so after carefully considering how it might impact you and your rights and weighing this up against our need to contact you.
Where you provide us with sensitive personal data, such as where you work, worship or any medical information about you, we will process this using one of the following permitted criteria:
  • with your explicit consent (i.e. you make clear to us that you are happy for us to hold this information)
  • where you manifestly make this information publicly available – such as on a business website; or
  • where you have regular contact with us in connection to your religion, office or place of worship.
    We will hold your data securely and only those who need to will be able to see or use this information.
    For organizations such as NGOs or churches, we may contact you where we have a legitimate interest – i.e. where we believe it is reasonable to do so. Again, we will only do so after carefully considering how it might affect you and the potential benefits of contacting your organization.
    Where we contact you in a professional capacity rather than a personal one, for example about your job role, we will usually consider you to be a ‘corporate subscriber’ under Data Protection Regulations or Law.
    As a ‘corporate subscriber’ we are permitted to contact you unless you tell us that you would like no further contact from us. We may also send you mail unless you tell us that you don’t want us to do so. Further information on this (which is generally referred to as a ‘business to business’ approach) can be obtained at the Information Commissioner’s Office website and on the Telephone Preference Service website.

    Our basis for processing

    If you show us that you might be in a position to partner with our work in a greater capacity, we will collect further information based on our legitimate interest. There are more details in the next section, ‘What do we do with it?’ This helps us recommend initial discussions with a relationship manager to supporters who might value it and ensure we use our supporters’ money in the most effective ways.

    We may process personal data relating to where you worship, or what role you play in a church. We will only do this where you tell us you are happy for us to use this information, or where you choose to make this public (e.g. on your business website). We will never disclose this information about you outside HAFAfrica without your consent.

    What do we do with it?

    We may collect personal data about people who visit our website. That means things like cookies and IP addresses (which tell us, for example, the places where people are logging on), which pages people visit and which files they download. 

    Sometimes we gather information that people make available on places like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. You can check these organizations' privacy policies to make sure you’re happy with how they handle your data.

    For organizations such as churches, trusts or schools, we may additionally gather information from your public website.

    Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

    If you make a major gift to our work, we’ll offer you a relationship manager. They will discuss and agree with you on how you want us to contact you. We will do this at the earliest convenient opportunity. If you don’t want to have a partnership relationship with us, we will destroy any additional, publicly sourced, personal data about you that we have collected for this purpose.

    When you apply for a job, you send us personal information through your CV or by completing an application form. We will store and use this to:

    • recruit for the role
    • make it easy for you to submit your CV online for jobs, and to subscribe for job alerts or answer your questions
    • do reference checks, qualifications checks, criminal referencing, service checks and verify your information. We’ll also use it for health screening and psychometric evaluation or skills tests. This is all done using third parties
    • automatically stop online applications if you don’t meet the basic requirements. For example, if you tell us you don’t have the right to work in the UK, and the job is based in the UK, the system won’t allow you to apply. You have the right to: (1) ask for an explanation of the decision that was automatically reached; (2) contest the automated decision; and (3) ask for your application to be reviewed by a HAFAfrica staff member and not be subject to automated decision making. To exercise any of these rights please email to check we’re following our equal opportunities policy.


    Suppose you are volunteering or travelling on a trip with us. In that case, you may need to send us personal or sensitive personal data – things like information about your dietary requirements, mobility requirements or your health. We’ll keep and use this information to:

    • make the volunteering opportunity possible. This includes sharing sensitive data, such as medical information, with our partner(s) for your safety.
    • provide information, including fundraising materials, following the ‘What do we do with it?’ section, or equivalent information for the volunteer role description
    • organize these events or other opportunities to serve
    • check if the volunteering opportunity or trip is a good one
    • answer any questions or feedback you may have
    • check we’re following our equal opportunities policy

    How and where we store your information

    We may collect personal data about people who visit our website. That means things like cookies and IP addresses (which tell us, for example, the places where people are logging on), which pages people visit and which files they download. 

    Sometimes we gather information that people make available on places like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. You can check these organizations' privacy policies to make sure you’re happy with how they handle your data.

    For organizations such as business institutions, churches, trusts or schools, we may additionally gather information from your public website.

    Where you have provided your email address with consent for us to market to you, we may reach out to you by using Facebook advertising.

    We may also reach out to people who have similar interests to you through Facebook. For example, we might use Facebook’s Custom Audience Programme.

    In both instances, we do this by providing Facebook with your email address. If you don’t have a Facebook account, Facebook just deletes the information. Any Facebook advertising you might end up seeing from us through this process will have been processed following the terms and conditions you agreed to for Facebook and the privacy settings you set within Facebook.

    When we use Facebook’s Custom Audience Programme, Facebook will use your activity on Facebook, such as the things you like and events you attend, to find others who have similar interests and therefore may wish to support HAFAfrica. This matching is carried out by Facebook on our behalf and is not at any time seen by HAFAfrica.

    This social media marketing provides us with a cost-effective way of reaching both you and new supporters. There are more details on Custom Audiences at Facebook Business, and you can read Facebook’s Privacy policy here. Facebook also allows you to have a say in the ads you receive. You can find out more about Facebook Ads here.

    Please contact us with any questions you may have on how we use social media or would prefer us to exclude you from social media marketing activities.

    Call us on: 0302-941-249

    Email us at:

    Write to us at:

    Supporter Care

    Hope Avenue Foundation Africa

    If you make a major gift to our work, we’ll offer you a relationship manager. They will discuss and agree with you on how you want us to contact you. We will do this at the earliest convenient opportunity. If you don’t want to have a partnership relationship with us, we will destroy any additional, publicly sourced, personal data about you that we have collected for this purpose.

    When you apply for a job, you send us personal information through your CV or by completing an application form. We will store and use this to:

    • recruit for the role
    • make it easy for you to submit your CV online for jobs, and to subscribe for job alerts or answer your questions
    • do reference checks, qualifications checks, criminal referencing, service checks and verify your information. We’ll also use it for health screening and psychometric evaluation or skills tests. This is all done using third parties
    • automatically stop online applications if you don’t meet the basic requirements. For example, if you tell us you don’t have the right to work in the UK, and the job is based in the UK, the system won’t allow you to apply. You have the right to: (1) ask for an explanation of the decision that was automatically reached; (2) contest the automated decision; and (3) ask for your application to be reviewed by a HAFAfrica staff member and not be subject to automated decision making. To exercise any of these rights please email to check we’re following our equal opportunities policy.


    Suppose you are volunteering or travelling on a trip with us. In that case, you may need to send us personal or sensitive personal data – things like information about your dietary requirements, mobility requirements or your health. We’ll keep and use this information to:

    • make the volunteering opportunity possible. This includes sharing sensitive data, such as medical information, with our partner(s) for your safety.
    • provide information, including fundraising materials, following the ‘What do we do with it?’ section, or equivalent information for the volunteer role description
    • organize these events or other opportunities to serve
    • check if the volunteering opportunity or trip is a good one
    • answer any questions or feedback you may have
    • check we’re following our equal opportunities policy

    Learn about our work and stay in touch with all things HAFAFRICA. Hear about our news, activities and appeals by email.

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